The Crow

The Crow


Your intelligence and creativity can solve any problem, but don't let yourself get distracted by shiny things!

What is something you've thought of as a weakness that might be a strength? How is your intelligence different from the people around you? Is there something distracting you from your goals?

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The Vessel Tessera Oracle Vessle-2.jpeg

The Vessel

The Fish 7499E41F-AB38-4FD1-A0DA-3887BCB35A4F

The Fish

The Flower F2B940F8-FF4F-4DEE-8760-AB92D600C440

The Flower

The Mountain B9BE593C-5D0D-42AD-AE47-6C2CD61345CB

The Mountain

The Hammer AA46DD3A-72B5-4622-AAC4-86AE13DBEBC2

The Hammer
