Introducing The Tessera Blog
I love divination. I always have. I love the mystery and the depth, but most of all, I love the connection, the connection to people and the connection to the universe.
I created the Tessera Oracle in 2017, but it had been on my mind for years before I finally mustered up the courage and confidence to make the Kickstarter happen (thanks, Ange!). Since then, I've released more Tessera and created two new systems (well, three, but more on that later ;)). Recently, a friend of mine called me an 'expert' in divination, and I laughed and said I wasn't. She asked me what it would take for me to feel like an expert, and I was stumped. I realized that my definition of an expert was really "anyone who isn't me," and that little epiphany threw me for a loop. Why did I feel that way? Of course, the first thing I did was give myself a reading about it!
The first two Tessera I pulled were The Crow and The Mountain. Very on the nose. As I continued the reading, it felt like a lecture about taking myself more seriously. And I guess this blog is my response to that reading.
I want this blog to be a place where I explore divination, systems, and practices, both my own creations and more traditional tools. And maybe somewhere along the line, I'll become that expert I aspire to be.
not the best photo I’ve ever taken but an informative Tessera Oracle reading!