
The Crown

The Crown is a flexible spread that can be expanded and built upon. It is a spread that allows you to expand on your reading and allows you to ask questions of the reading in an organic way. The Crown spread has a lot in common with the three-card spreads of Tarot and Oracle Cards. The Crown can be used in a lot of different ways, and I’ve included some examples to use as a jumping-off point.


  1. Past 2. Present 3. Future

The Self

  1. Mind 2. Body 3. Spirit


  1. Think  2. Feel 3. Do

Looking Inward Diamond⁠

⁠This spread is great for helping you understand yourself, your own motivations, or figuring out what you should do. ⁠I find this spread especially helpful when dealing with a specific situation or problem.⁠

1. The Self: What do you need to know about yourself in this situation?⁠

2. The Past: What from the past is relevant to your current situation?⁠

3. The Present: What do you need to be aware of in the now?⁠

4. The Future: The outcome if you stay on this path.⁠


Finding your Way

This is a spread meant to help you when you are looking to start in a new direction.

1. How do I take that first step into the unknown? ⁠⁠

2. What obstacles can I expect? ⁠

Optional: What action do I need to take to deal with this obstacle?⁠

3. What do I need to bring with me? ⁠

Optional: What do I need to leave behind?⁠

4. How do I know I’m going the right way?